Dam liners for sale in Kenya
Why choose to purchase a dam liner for sale in Kenya? In the recent years there has been rapid changes in climate especially in Africa. In the past African farmers would plan when to plant and to harvest and everything would turn out okay because the weather patterns were predictable. But, with the rapid change of environment, farmers tend to seek alternative ways of ensuring the crops can survive during the whole growing period. One of these methods is by use of dam liners and it’s what we will be showing you how?
Dam liners offer waterproofing of dams, ponds, canals, tanks and ditches preventing loss of water to the environment. Dam liners for sale in Kenya come in various thicknesses i.e., 0.3 mm, 0.5 mm, 0.75 mm and 1 mm.
The main factors to consider when choosing the type of dam liner to use are;
- The nature of the dam base – a dam base having stony surface will require a thicker dam liner. Whereas a thinner dam liner i.e., 0.3 mm can be used on a base having fine soils
- The expected volume of water to be held – a big reservoir will hold a lot of water. In order to support the weight of the water without tearing, a thicker dam liner will be required. A thin dam liner can be used comfortably in small ponds and tanks.
- The expected life time of the dam liner – if a farmer desires a dam liner that will last for a long time then a thick dam liner is recommended. Thin dam liners have short life expectations compared to thick dam liners
- The available budget – thick dam liners tend to be more costly than thin dam liners due to their high resistance to shear forces. The budget of the client should be a consideration.
Advantages of dam liners for sale in Kenya
Dam liners for sale in Kenya have a number of advantages that place them amongst the top products on the market. These advantages include;
- Dam liners are very resistant to shear forces and the strength of each type depends on the thickness of the liner.
- HDPE dam liners have a high resistance to ultra-violet rays.
- Dam liners are very easy to clean and maintain. In case of damage, they can be easily repaired using a liner patch.
- Compared to other methods of lining dams and ponds, using a dam liner is much cheaper
- Dam liners are made to be chemical resistant preventing corrosion.
- Dam liners are built strong enough to resist plants’ roots from tearing into them.
Use of dam liners in fish farming.
Fish farming is an up coming enterprise which involves raising of fish in tanks or enclosures for human consumption. The growth of aquaculture has resulted in an increase in dam liners for sale in Kenya. Fish production occurs mainly on the top layers of water as a result of that, when it comes to making a fish pond a depth of less than 2 meters is preferred.

Water harvesting for irrigation using dam liners for sale in Kenya
With the increased unreliability of rain water, most farmers have sought other options to get past this hurdle. Irrigation is an efficient way to ensure that the crops are able to receive the right amounts of water in order to grow. For those located where rivers flow only in specific periods or where there are no rivers at all, they have to find other ways of ensuring water supply throughout the whole crop growing season. There are different types of dam liners for sale in Kenya which help in this problem. By building a reservoir and lining it with a dam liner, a farmer can be able to store all the water that he/ she will need for the entire growing period of the crop.
How to size a water pan in relation to irrigation requirements
In order to choose the right dam liner for sale in Kenya it is important to determine the right size of liner that will be needed. The size of the dam liner is promotional to the size of the reservoir to be dug. The size of reservoir should be able to hold enough water to carry the crops through a prolonged drought period without any problems.
Size of the reservoir should also be able to accommodate both the water and sediments. This is because the reservoir built is usually open at the top.
Things considered when designing reservoir
- The current and future water requirements of the crops
- Water losses through evaporation and seepage
- The depth of the ground water – The base of the reservoir should be at least 1 m above the ground water
- The volume of irrigation return water after an irrigation event. Irrigation return water refers to water that leaves the field back to the reservoir after water application. This volume varies greatly depending on the irrigation method used.
- The hydraulic retention time – It is the time taken for water to stay in a reservoir before it is used for irrigation. A longer hydraulic retention time helps in contaminant removal.
- A slope ratio of 3:1 or 4:1 has been recommended for reducing the rate of bank erosion.
Eunidrip irrigation systems as a preferred dam liner supplier.
Why should you choose Eunidrip irrigation systems as your supplier of dam liners for sale in Kenya? At Eunidrip irrigation systems we care for our customers’ needs when it comes to selecting the best dam liners. The available dam liners come in thickness of 0.3 mm, 0.5mm and 1 mm. The standard dam liner we have comes with either a width of 6 m or 8 m and length of up to 100m. When your dam or pond has a width of more than 8 m it will mean two liners must joined together to reach the required width.
Dam liners for sale in Kenya advantages
There are various types of dam liners available in the market. These types include EPDM dam liners, PVC dam liners, HDPE dam liners and LLDPE dam liners. Here at Eunidrip irrigation systems we deal with HDPE dam liners which are more stable, chemical resistant, ultra violet resistant and weather resistant. Amongst the dam liners for sale in Kenya there are those that are made with recycled resin and those made from pure raw materials. Dam liners made from recycled resin get their raw materials from recycled water bottles, medical waste, plastic bags, greenhouse waste polythene etc.
As much this is helping in controlling pollution by plastic wastes, the dam liners produced have many challenges. Some of these challenges are; they are not stable and they can cause harm to fish when used in fish ponds. Since they easily breakdown, they will release toxic substances to the fish pond. At Eunidrip we deal with HDPE dam liners made from pure raw materials ensuring the customers gets the best out of their money. There are a few ways to check on the quality of dam liners for sale in Kenya. These are:
- Smelling the dam liner – liners made from recycled resin have a pungent smell
- Checking whether the liner will float or sink when placed on water – a good quality dam liner will float in water where as a poor-quality liner will sink
- Visual check – a good quality liner will have a smooth surface.
Environmental impact of collecting water using dam liners for sale in Kenya.
The use of dam liners in water storage has helped my people be able to overcome the problems associated with insufficient rainfall within the country. By using reservoirs lined with dam liners for sale in Kenya, there can be sustainable water use in the country. This is especially useful in areas where rain falls for a short period of time and in large quantities. Dam liner stores reservoirs water which is later for irrigating the farm
By using dam liners for sale in Kenya it has now become possible to practice inland fishing. This has helped remove the previous obstacles associated with inland fish farming. The increase in inland fish farming has resulted in an increase in food in the country. In the case of very large dams lined with liners, the water stored can act as a heat sink helping in controlling the temperature. Dam liners are useful when treating water in sedimentation tanks and oxidation tanks. Dam liners used for wastewater treatment should always be in the perfect condition to avoid leakages.

Water harvesting for irrigation using dam liners for sale in Kenya
With the increased unreliability of rain water, most farmers have sought other options to get past this hurdle. Irrigation is an efficient way to ensure that the crops are able to receive the right amounts of water in order to grow. For the farmers located near permanent water sources, they have a big advantage since they can always be assured of a constant supply of water. For those located where rivers flow only in specific periods or where there are no rivers at all, they have to find other ways of ensuring water supply throughout the whole crop growing season. There are different types of dam liners for sale in Kenya which help in this problem. By building a reservoir and lining it with a dam liner, a farmer can be able to store all the water that he/ she will need for the entire growing period of the crop.
How to size a water pan in relation to irrigation requirements
In order to choose the right dam liner for sale in Kenya it is important to determine the right size of liner that will be needed. The size of the dam liner will be determined by the size of the reservoir to be dug. The size of reservoir should be able to hold enough water to carry the crops through a prolonged drought period without any problems. The size of the reservoir should also be able to accommodate both the water and sediments. This is because the reservoir built is usually open at the top. Wind carrying dirt particles will deposit these particles in the water and also particles due to bank erosion will also be deposited in the reservoir. The consideration that should be taken into account when designing a reservoir are;
- The current and future water requirements of the crops
- Water losses through evaporation and seepage
- The depth of the ground water – normally a depth of more than 3 meters is recommended but that depends on the level of ground water. The base of the reservoir should be at least 1 m above the ground water
- The volume of irrigation return water after an irrigation event. Irrigation return water refers to water that leaves the field back to the reservoir after water application. This volume varies greatly depending on the irrigation method used.
- The hydraulic retention time – this refers to the time it takes water to stay in a reservoir before being used for irrigation. A longer hydraulic retention time helps in contaminant removal.
- A slope of ratio 3:1 or 4:1 is recommended to reduce the rate of bank erosion.